
Two Beautiful Songs

黑黑的天空低垂 the black sky hangs down

亮亮的繁星相随 followed by bright stars

虫儿飞 虫儿飞 the lovely bug fly

你在思念谁 who are you missing now

天上的星星流泪 the stars above is in tears

地上的玫瑰枯萎 the roses below withers

冷风吹 冷风吹 the bitter wind blow

只要有你陪 only if you can by my side

虫儿飞 花儿睡 the bugs are flying , the flowers are sleeping

一双又一对才美 only if a couple make it perfect

不怕天黑 not afraid of the dark night

只怕心碎 but the break of heart

不管累不累 no matter tired or not

也不管东南西北 no matter where is the destination

Stars shining bright above you 明亮的星光照耀着你

Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you" 轻柔的晚风在细语“我爱你”

Birds singing in the sycamore tree 鸟儿在悬铃木上欢歌

Dream a little dream of me 你梦里有我

Say "Nighty-night" and kiss me 说完“晚安”然后给我一个吻

Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me 抱紧我,告诉我你多么思念我

While I'm alone and blue as can be 当我孤单难过时

Dream a little dream of me 你梦里有我

Stars fading but I linger on dear 星光已暗但我迟迟不愿离去

Oh how you linger on 亲爱的,你是怎样徘徊呢

Still craving your kiss 仍渴望你的亲吻

How you crave my kiss 你又抱有怎样的渴望呢

Now I'm longin' to linger till dawn dear 现在我想逗留到黎明

Just saying this 只为倾诉这些

Give me a little kiss 给我轻轻的一个吻

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you 做个美梦直到清晨阳光洒在你的脸上

Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you 做个美梦带走今天的所有忧愁

But in your dreams, whatever they be 但不管你梦里有些什么

Dream a little dream of me 愿你梦里有我

3 pm 2009,1,3

