
I don't want it that way

我也不想这样 BY 王菲

忽然间 Suddenly

毫无缘故 without reason

再多的爱 也不满足 I'm still not satisfied even though you gave me plenty of love

想你的眉目 I miss your eyes

想到迷糊 until fainted

不知不觉 让我中毒 absorbed totally and silently

忽然间 Suddenly

很需要保护 I need your protection

假如世界一瞬间结束 If the world fades away instantly

假如你退出 If you leave me

我只是说 假如 I'm just proposing a hypothesis

不是不明白 It's not because I have no idea

太想看清楚 but want the clear clue so bad

反而让你的面目变得模糊 your face are out of my mind instead

越在乎的人 越小心安抚 the more I care about you, the more I appease your suggestions

反而连一个吻也留不住 at last I have nothing , neither one kiss .

我也不想这么样 I don't want it that way

反反复复 on and on

反正最后每个人都孤独 all of us are isolated in the end

你的甜蜜变成我的痛苦 your sweet becomes my pain

离开你有没有帮助 Do it help if I leave you alone

我也不想这么样 I don't want it that way

起起伏伏 up and down

反正每段关系都是孤独 all relationships are in solitude

眼看感情变成一个包袱 our love is gonna be my burden

都怪我太渴望 得到你保护 it's all my fault on account of my endless need for your protection

4:30 pm 2008,1,6

