

矜持--王菲 Faye Wong

我从来不曾抗拒你的魅力 I haven't rejected your charm

虽然你从来不曾对我著迷 although you've never been fascinated by me

我总是微笑的看著你 My eyes are always on you with smile

我的情意总是轻易就洋溢眼底 my feelings are all in your eyes

我曾经想过在寂寞的夜里 I have been thinking in the lonely night

你终於在意在我的房间里 you showed up in my room at last

你闭上眼睛亲吻了我 closed your eyes and kissed me

不说一句紧紧抱我在你的怀里 held me in your arms without a word

我是爱你的 I love you so much

我爱你到底 till the end

生平第一次我放下矜持 It's the first time I give up my reservation

任凭自己幻想一切关於我和你 my minds are all about you

你是爱我的 You will love me

你爱我到底 till the end

生平第一次我放下矜持 It's the first time I give up my reservation

相信自己真的可以深深去爱你 believing I can love you truly and deeply

深深去爱你 love you so much with my whole heart

8 pm 2009,1,4

